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St. Ambrose
Saint Abroggio de Milano in Italian
The "Original Doctor of the Church"
St. Ambrose Financial Services, Inc., is a separate and unique 501(c)(3) corporation that provides administrative services and deposits & loans to the Diocese of La Crosse, and the parishes, schools, and other institutions within the Diocese of La Crosse.
St. Ambrose Financial Services, Inc., was founded on December 7, 2010, which coincides with St. Ambrose’s feast day.
St. Ambrose is the patron saint of beekeepers, beggars, learners/students, and Milan, Italy.
Free Secure E-Mail Service To St. Ambrose
St. Ambrose Financial Services recognizes the importance of ensuring personal information remains secure and confidential while also providing a means to submit forms and documents electronically. The Secure Message Center supports secure and confidential information transmission along with the ability to send forms and documents as attachments with complete confidentiality & security. Simply select the "Secure Email" icon to access the Secure Message Center. New users will need to sign up by completing the contact information. Once this is completed the first time, future secure emails will only require login to access.
New Direct File Upload
The NEW Upload Center supports uploading documents with complete confidentiality & security. Simply select the "Secure Upload" icon to access the NEW Upload Center.